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Why Mobile-First Web Design Is Important In 2020?

It’s a generation of Smartphone. A study in 2018 found out that almost 52.2% of the global web traffic is via mobile phones. Neglecting on that part means risking your potential customers – who knows you may have a buyer there!

In 2010, the former Google CEO Eric Schimdt preached Mobile-First web designs. He said that moving forward designers should adapt Mobile-First designs for websites as mobile phones is going to be an integral part of human lives. Well, that’s one reason definitely! But what are the others? Find out in this article.

The Idea Behind A Mobile-First Design

As the name suggest, Mobile-First designs are those that are designed first for mobile screens, and then scaled up to fit in the larger screens of tablets and desktops.

Mobile-First design ensures the right user experience is delivered to the right screen. With such limited available on the screens of mobile devices, it’s much challenging for any web design company in India to fit all the features of the desktop version in it. That’s why it good to go reverse.

If the designers ideate keeping in mind the smaller screens, it becomes easier for them to set up those features in the larger screen. And it makes far more sense for the UX. Designers should prioritise those elements of a website that are vital to create a strong base to work from.

Mobile-First design is precisely an alternate strategy for adaptive or responsive designing. Both these strategies focus on designing for the desktop screens first, and then the elements are adjusted to fit in for the mobile screens. However, the Mobile-First design is exactly the vice versa.

Why Mobile-First Design Is Important In 2020?

The demand for Mobile-First designs has been increasing ever since people delved more into Smartphones. But especially in 2020, the importance skyrocketed.

It has been the year of pandemic, and thus, people experienced more screen time in which mobiles have the maximum contribution. From online shopping to surfing browser to playing games, a large demographic was completely into Smartphone.

So, if a business wants to reach the crowd, they must go for Mobile-First web designs which offer excellent user experience – that’s what a leading web design company in Kolkata believes.

Besides, there are more benefits of a Mobile-First web design. Check here –

Mobile-First designs can get you the topmost ratings in Google.

Web pages optimized for mobile screens can generate more leads and boost conversion .

It’s hard to proceed without designing for mobile if you are worried about your website’s outlook .

Minimalism and simplicity is the core elements of a Mobile-First web design.

It is always convenient to make progress from a more straightforward functionality and outline to complex solutions.

Being Mobile-First indicates your thoughts are more modern, clear-cut, and useful.

Comparison Between Mobile-First & Other Designs

Responsive web design is a native method of designing that enables a website to fit to different screen sizes automatically. It recommends that website designs should respond to user behaviour based on the device they are using. It is a well-established designing model that creates a good user experience by reducing several user operations like scrolling, panning, and zooming.

Mobile-First web design, also known as Progressive Enhancement, is a designing method that first focus on lower browsers (e.g. on mobile devices) and then make progress to larger screens of tablets and desktops. It is a popular designing strategy used by most web design company in India. By using this technique, the design of a Mobile-First website starts only with the essential elements that build up for a strong base.

Another technique name Graceful Degradation is the opposite of Mobile-First designs. In this case, the designers start from an advanced fuller version of the website that will be displayed on the desktop. Later, the design is made fit for the mobile screen by cutting short or shoving off some design features or content.

The reputed web design company in Kolkata after using all of these techniques has come to a conclusion that Mobile-First design is comparatively better in the most cases. Sometimes, they also opt for Responsive Web Design technique depending on clients’ choice, and other factors.

Bottom Line

Mobile-First web design is quite significant in 2020. Simplicity is the key in this design. It also ensures the low loading time of the websites. It is because the website is first designed to fit for mobile screens and adjusted for the desktops and tablets.

Designers try to keep the visuals captivating while designing mobile-first websites. It is essential as users on mobile devices are more likely to bounce due to distractions. To grab their attention, bright and memorable designs are vital.

If you are planning to design a website for your company, choose mobile-first design technique for better lead generation and improved traffic conversion.

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